
05 Mar

Check out Nike Football’s new Oranje promo. The Orange defeated Team USA 2-1 yesterday, but there wasn’t much hope for the Americans from the beginning. Not only were Holland favored, but Team USA was missing Sochaux attacker Charlie Davies and Fulham veteran Clint Dempsey. I was excited to watch Bolton’s rising star Stuart Holden, but he was taken out early through a rough tackle. Owen Coyle will not have his American playmaker for another six weeks, which is a blow considering Holden’s impressive debut two weeks ago. I’m sure Coach Bradley wasn’t pleased either. Team USA needs to get all their players fit and ready for the World Cup if they want to show the world how much they have improved. Speaking of which, Landon Donovan is set to return to MLS soon, and I believe his next game is supposed to be his last with Everton.


Posted by on March 5, 2010 in Uncategorized


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7 responses to “Oranje!

  1. Moose

    March 5, 2010 at 3:12 am

    This is a sick ad! I feel a little bit better about losing to them the other day…but not much

  2. Adam

    March 5, 2010 at 3:13 am

    I like Holden, he’s composed on the ball, he passes well, and he takes some of the pressure of LCY, who has been our entire attack all season. It is truly a blow that Holden is out, because we had just struck a good formation with him, LCY, Wilshere, and Fab Muamba. Bolton is full of shit footballers that need to leave as soon as the season is over.

  3. Jo

    March 5, 2010 at 4:14 am

    The US team should be a completely different animal by the time the world cup rolls around. It does suck that we won’t have Charlie, but my chief concern is making sure, like you pointed out Darreno, that Gooch gets back in shape. Dempsey will be back, and I’m sure Stu Holden has plenty of time to recover and get some matches at Bolton. I wouldn’t take our performance yesterday as a set-in-stone prediction of how we will do this summer.

  4. Andreas Costas

    March 5, 2010 at 5:43 am

    Nice video

  5. Mehul Roghanjesh

    March 5, 2010 at 6:49 am

    I agree with that wholeheartedly Adam. I think the trotters should field LCY, Muamba, Wilshire and Holden. Holden has a nice touch, its a shock really that we were able to pick him up on a trial. Anyhow thats the path out of the muckpit that is championship imo. Only then can we play actual football, enough hoofing to Super Kev who isnt really Super anymore is he, bloody muppet. Darreno, is LCY a guaranteed first eleven for Korea? Or does he sit for jsPark?

  6. d gorgeous one haz spoken

    March 5, 2010 at 9:00 am

    nice video but i like this one better, it was the first that got released.

    • darreno

      March 5, 2010 at 9:16 am

      Nice Video!
      Nike Football puts out great promotional media.


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