Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Unfortunate Situation of PC Young

Years ago in college, my friend Beller and I were deeply immersed in FIFA 08. We spent hours playing FIFA 07’s Manager Mode, when we made a legendary west ham team that eventually won the major european titles. Our permanent front two consisted of young legend Deano and 22 year-old wonderkid Chu-Young Park. Because of the way his name was displayed, and because it was just more fun, we called him PC Young.

The Situation

Park Chu-Young, formerly of FC Seoul, and now the most prized asset of AS Monaco, is 26, and in a awful situation not many in the football world can understand. Despite his team-high 12 goals in Ligue 1 last season, AS Monaco was relegated. Due to an 8 million euro relegation clause in his contract, the club has severed his transfer price to ease his move to other clubs. Naturally, they’ve received 8 million bids from Liverpool, French champions Lille, Paris Saint-German, Bordeaux, Rennes, German champions Borussia Dortmund, Schalke, Aston Villa, Tottenham, Everton, Bolton, Fulham, Newcastle and a host of other clubs. However, talks have all come to a standstill.


Every able-bodied South Korean male is required to complete a two-year service in the Korean military before his 30th birthday – a product of our country’s tiny size and war-ridden past. So from the standpoint of his suitors, they can only use the 26 year old for two years (latest he can enter the military is 28). So even if they sign him, they can’t sell him, or extend his contract because he’s out of commission for two years after that. Essentially, zero transfer value going forward.

PC young’s asking price was 20 million Euros as agreed by fair market valuation into his Monaco contract last season. Due to the relegation clause aforementioned, his club can only sell him for 8, and not a penny more. So its already a great bargain for other clubs, and a equally great loss for Monaco. But with the issue of his military service, all the clubs are understandably re-evaluating their offers to 2-4 million euros, which to Monaco, is unacceptable by a long shot. And if he does not sell for 8, they have no legal obligation to accept a lower price. So they won’t.

So he is now stuck at Monaco, unable to go to the top clubs of his choice, and with military service beckoning after a year or possibly more in Ligue 2. And there is literally nothing he can do about it. Thus, its a bad situation for him, for Monaco, for the top clubs that are chasing him, and the millions of Korean football fans who’d hate to see his career fizzle. It remains to see how he will get out of this predicament, or whether he will get out of it at all.

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Posted by on August 20, 2011 in Uncategorized


I’m Stumped.

I came home at 7:30 today, and watched the second leg of the supercopa, which took me 4 hours (I turned the tv off at midnight). Why? Cuz I stopped at so many points, turned it on again, rewinded it, and repeated this for about 10~15 different times in the match. In particular, I watched one pass no less than 7 times. My mom counted, puzzled as I drew numbers an arrows on a piece of scrap paper over and over again.

Why all this you wonder? To answer the question – Should I feel sorry for Real Madrid?

Why I feel sorry for Madrid – They played a great game over both legs of the supercopa. There is no longer that difference of class evident in previous clasicos. In games we saw in the last two years between the two, Madrid might have drawn Barcelona, they certainly lost on some unlucky conceding at times, and they definitely had some outrageous calls go against them by certain divers in the Barcelona camp. But deep down, we all knew that they were on the backfoot, and it was about stopping Barcelona rather than taking control.

Now its different. This year, over the two supercopa legs that I’ve had the pleasure of scrutinizing, and I can definitively say: the gulf is GONE. There is no gap there. They are playing an equal game and now Barca is sweating. I feel sorry for Madrid because a) they should have won the supercopa purely based on the flow of gameplay 2) Messi at Barcelona is god in cleats. He just cannot be stopped. Period. One too many times over the last 5 years, as was the case tonight, was Barcelona able to win due to him being the ruthless finisher that he is. Tonight, the Barcelona midfield was doing jack shit. Literally JACK SHIT. The brilliance of Xavi? Please. Passes aimless, circling it around the back, Busquets spreading it around the back four. Is that considered possession? Sure. Are they doing anything with it? No. Its exactly when like my friend Moose and I pass it around the defense to not concede for the last half of a tournament match in order to preserve a lead. Yea we end up with 70% possession, but anyone who actually watched the game and didn’t read an article would be wiser, and would know better. In a word, it was pathetic. But when all is lost, you give it to Messi. A blind cross, boot it up, and the little magician make something of it. Because that’s what the best player of our generation is capable of. And no one, not Carvalho, not Pepe, not Casillas (he did MORE than enough tonight), and certainly not the positional boneheads that are Sergio Ramos and Marcelo are going to do anything about it. That’s why I feel sorry for Madrid.

Why do I not feel sorry for Madrid? They had plenty of chances to finish the game. I am understanding why Mourinho prefers literally anyone over Benzema if and when they are fully fit. Benzema will score nice goals. He’s just the type of player that will labor in scoring the difficult ones, yet find it impossible to score the little ones. Even tonight, he hit the ugliest one, when he had 2 clear cut chances that could have found the back of the net with a little composure. Fanboys who don’t watch the games and only read articles about games are now gonna say to me, oh he scored hat tricks last year blah blah blah – and I will say a) Congratulations, b) watch a fucking game before you open your mouth c) Emile Heskey dropped hat tricks on Derby County, should we all give Benz credit for dropping three against Auxerre? Had he made his chances, which to be honest were not difficult ones, Madrid would have won easy tonight. No question. Without doubt, some of Madrid’s impotent conversion rate was due to stellar goalkeeping from Victor Valdes, who had a fantastic game. But the Madridistas did him so many favors by making it so damn easy. Ramos missed a sitter. Ronaldo missed a couple as well. Add Ozil to the list. Heck, if Madrid’s forwards did as well as to finish the ball as they did to get it in the penalty box, they would have held that trophy. So in conclusion, they are the only ones to blame for missing shots! There is no excuse, and nothing to say in getting around that. If you are going to miss easy chances, you don’t deserve to win. Simple. Cruel. That is football sometimes.

The good thing for Madrid is that Mourinho has done it. He’s figured out a gameplan for Madrid against Barca and it works. I’ve seen it in 180 minutes. It really works. But he needs a couple things to win the Barca games this year. Better finishing drills for his front men, including Ozil and Kaka, and better training of the fullbacks. Sergio Ramos is a great right back going forward. But everyone knows he is no where near world class as a pure defender. Fabio Coentrao was great in the world cup. But to face Barca, you need to be better than that. The thing that sucks about training a back line is that they are only as good as their weakest link. If one fails to track a runner, the mark balance will break, and it will be over. Much like a Spartan phalanx. If one shield fails, so will the other. In Barca’s first goal tonight, Ricardouche Carlvalyouche inexplicably stopped tracking Iniesta. Just let him go. Decided it wasn’t worth pursuing. Messi through passes, Pepe, bewildered, runs after Iniesta, who chips it over Casillas.

It is the most difficult part of the team to train well. But when its done right (Inter’s Champs League year), it’s like a machine, and its fucking gorgeous to watch. Watching a purposeful, decisive, defensive unit in a team gets my attention so much more than tiki taka passing up front. It really does. Any team can play beautiful touch football if the opposition is weaker, or if the opposition adopts stand off defending. But not any team can produce a consistently mistake-less, strong-knit, anticipatory back line. In any case, if the Special One is able to tweak this things over the rest of the season, before they face Barca in any meaningful fixtures, I now have full faith that he will be able to beat them this year.

Now, as it is imperative now to address this, yes, Jose Mourinho was unprofessional to stab Tito Villanova in the eyes. That was straight up childish. Jose saw his chance, and he went for it, and it was hilarious. He can be that way. But it was extremely unprofessional as the manager of the world’s most decorated football club. Having said that, Barca again complaining about him destroying Spanish football is worse to me because it is wildly hypocritical. They seem to have forgotten memories of Barca before the Johan showed up, when in fact Mourinho’s tactics would have been embraced with glee at the Nou. Who started using the 5 back prominently in europe? el volantes? What, you don’t remember the early 70’s Barca? Yeah I bet you don’t. People always remember what they want to remember don’they. Bandwagoners of Barca these days, idiots who don’t even know Cruyff is, or how a 4-3-3 even functions, will whine about how Madrid’s “defensive football” is destructive to the spanish game. It takes every ounce of patience in me to hold back insults at moronic imbeciles like that.

As I knew I would, I digress. My second point was that Barca also seems to completely ignore the fact that most of the fights started in Spanish football against Barca (the very fights where they always act like the victims and say its destroying spanish football), whether it be hercules, sevilla, malaga, deportivo, or madrid, always seem to start with one or more of Pedro, Alves, Masch, and Busquets rolling on the ground for seemingly no reason. The hypocrisy. Ugh. I’m going to bed.

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Posted by on August 18, 2011 in Uncategorized


Blackburn vs Wolverhampton

Good game that! Of course, Hennessey supposedly stopped Junior Hoilett’s shot which would have given me six points in my fantasy team, but whatever. Screw that. Mick McCarthy’s side looks pretty good considering just about the only change is Jamie O’Hara is a Wolves player now instead of a loanee.

Mauro Formica scored on his debut with the most limp shot I’ve seen. Of course, Hennessey joins the De Gea club by letting that one slide straight through but stops a point blank from Hoilett. “Oh please shoot sir!” “Ah! Thank you very much good sir.” Anyway, good for him for scoring on debut in the epl, it is a huge confidence boost. Strikers not scoring for a while will hurt them for a long time – *cough* Nando.

Watching Arsenal play Udinese made me realize one thing and one thing only. Some premiership team needs to buy Antonio Di Natale. He may be 33 years old, but he was still the most threatening player on the pitch. He deserves to not play in the pit of despair that is Serie A. Kieran Gibbs and Koscielny had a nightmare because of him running around, hustling, tricking them this way, tricking them that way…its a shocker how he didn’t score yesterday. In what was a decent game, Arsenal won 1-0 courtesy of Theo, but its not going to be an easy return leg at Udine. If Arsenal does not qualify for Champions League, I’m actually going to be upset, since that’s a lesser English presence. I just want them to go to the Champions League, do okay, that exit at a non-embarassing stage. Is that too much to ask Arsene? Also, silence your newest boy toy Carl Jenkinson, who thinks your defense is solid because of him. Do we have to put Drogba on his ass for him to shut the fuck up and know his place? You’re an arsenal defender post-Tony Adams era son. You’re destined to make Arsene kick a water bottle at some point this season.

Van der Vaart says he is unaware of Scottish team Hearts of Midlothian. Everytime players say something like that I just feel terrible for the clubs. Sure, Zuppa Mario had never heard of Jack Wilshire (i still maintain that was a way to get wee Jack annoyed), but surely you can be better than that neanderthal? If you are a professional footballer, and if you’re gonna go to an interview about your opposition, try a little googling! It takes 2 minutes tops, do it when you’re in the can, do it on the drive over, whatever. I have the benefit of knowing Hearts as I followed Henrik Larsson’s Celtic many years ago, and I like Neil Lennon and his current Celtic team. So while I don’t expect Van der Vaart to know as much as I do about them, a quick scan of their Wikipedia page would have given him enough to not sounds conceited. I’d say that would be time well spent.

Seedorf says Milan can win the Champions League. The footballing world says See-dorf should stop acting see-nile and retire already. If Seedorf and company with the Champions League, I will run naked through the miracle mile with Seedorf’s face painted on my chest. It’s in documentation right here. e-signature: Golaso.

Liverpool’s Maxipad says he is determined to show his worth…..that he is worth absolutely nothing. I hear King Kenny is training you in a new position…you are to be Stewart Downing’s Bidet.

August 17th, two weeks to go before the deadline. I think before the transfer window closes, Tottenham will sell Modric, loan in Adebayor, and acquire another midfielder (hopefully Ki Sung Yueng of Celtic). You people can call me insane, but I also still think United will sign the waddling Dutchman. Fingers crossed baby.

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Posted by on August 18, 2011 in Uncategorized


Manchester City vs. Swansea

So why does everyone think Swansea is gonna be dead last this season?

Maybe they will be, maybe they won’t be, but I’ve watched all three promoted teams this weekend, of which Swansea had the most difficult opponent, and they made the best account of themselves. They played an admirable attacking game against City, and didn’t let up even when City brought on Sergio Aguero. Supporting by great wingplay from Scott Sinclair and Nathan Dyer, they went forward with purpose and free-flowing movement I haven’t seen from a promoted side since Blackpool. Their weakness is upfront, where I fear their sub-par strikers might let down their wingers. I think next time they should start Leroy Lita who made the best impact out of all of them, even as a sub. I have to applaud their goalkeeper Michael Vorm, who was absolutely fantastic despite what the scoreline suggests. None of those goals he could have done anything about, and he stopped the scoreline from being 10-0. Having seen this game, and their bravery to go forward against a team that boasts a bench that is worth 16 times their entire team, my backing for a promoted side this year goes to Swansea City.

As for City, what can I say. Aguero’s debut was nothing short of breathtaking. That’s about as good of a debut since Arshavin. The scary thing is, it was clear that he was not a 100% in fitness. It showed in his movement and overall pace. And I can only say this because I know the speed at which Aguero plays when he’s in full force. His first goal was that of a classic poacher, his assist to Silva was pure attacking instinct and tenacity, and the third goal was about as well as you can strike a ball from 30 yards out.

City played great football, with Silva orchestrating most of it, but I think their attacking opponents allowed them to do that. If this were a team that played any more defensively, they would not have looked nearly as good. In any case, Aguero is clearly going to the tip of City’s spear against United this year. People have been saying that City will take the title this year, and while I disagree, this signing puts them much further towards that end. This just makes me more excited for the Manchester derby.

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Posted by on August 17, 2011 in Uncategorized


I Dislike Dani Alves

I have very few people in the world of football that I genuinely have dislike/disliked.

At the top of that short list is Dani Alves. This has absolutely nothing to do with his ability as a footballer. He is a world class right wingback, true to the traditional Brazilian mold of flank defenders. When it comes to his character however, I say it loud and proud, Dani Alves is a huge douchebag. Just a straight up, piece of shit, asshole.

Throughout his entire career in Europe, he has been a teatrero, and he is bloody good at it. He is a chronic diver, a shirt puller, dirty tackler, and a maker of cheap shots. Most importantly, he possesses the personality trait which I despise the most in a man of the footballing world: Lack of responsibility. He dives so shamelessly and always denies it, he never accepts responsibility for the fouls that he commits (I can literally only recall a single occasion in which he walked away from a shitty tackle without arguing with the ref), and he is a massive hypocrit by blaming opposition and refs for a bad performance.

I am sick and tired of his dirty antics that constantly ruins competitive fixtures, and I rue the fact that the likes of him tarnishes the reputation of this game that I love so very much. I have never ever wished misfortune on a footballer in my life. But in this case, I will make a glad exception. This little shit sent Pepe off in Champions League last year with an oscar worthy performance that made Daniel Day Lewis look like Keanu Reeves, and I wish Pepe will return the favor at some point this year. Better yet, Alves has always wanted to come to the Premiership. So I hope he does soon and pulls his shenanigans against a team like Stoke, because I swear to god my boy Ryan Shawcross will give him such a tackle that will make him scared of anything resembling grass for the rest of his life.

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Posted by on August 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


Opening weekend is done. I have watched 5 premier league fixtures and one bundesliga. United vs Brum, Chelski vs Stoke, QPR vs Bolton, Wigan vs Norwich, Newcastle vs. Arsenal and Wolfsburg vs Munchen. Overall, a long weekend, and the feeling of a fish returning to sea. Life is good again my friends.

United won very fortuitously. But 3 points is 3 points, and it was an away win that we sorely lacked last season. We started brightly with some great, fluid, short passing movement, but somehow struggle to deal with Tchoyi who muscled and charged against our midfield with alarming ease. It was evident that Anderson being deployed as the destroyer rather than the creator put him in a difficult dilemma to somehow do both. Rooney had a tremendous first goal of the season for us, and was typically dangerous in all areas. Also impressive was the ever maturing Clever Tom, who continues to show a passing ability that might put him on the same footing as Gunner counterpart Wilshire soon (Wilshire is better at this point). I’m happy also to see that Danny Welbeck improved his movement and understanding of the game, but his trapping and short passes still need work. I’m sure everyone will also talk about how Ashley Young was sooo great, but I actually beg to differ. He was good, but no further. Too many times did he get his drag-back right cross blocked, and he also attempted one too many long shots that sailed over Ben Foster’s right post. His game got infinitely better after he decided to drive by the byline rather than dragging the ball back to his right, so hopefully he’ll use that approach in future weeks. At the end of it all, 3 point is 3 points. I’m content.

If Arse Fecker doesn’t buy Gary Cahill, I would be extremely happy. 2 reasons. 1) I want Owen Coyle and Bolton Wanderers to move up the table. 2) Watching Drogba, Davies, or Caroll thunder in yet another header past Laurent Koscielny 2011 season style would just be so satisfying. Not to worry though, I’m sure even with incoming gold from Catalunya, Wenger wouldn’t spend money for fear of losing his street cred at slickdeals. Gary Cahill showed again why he was Bolton’s best last season, and why he could be Bolton’s best this season. The defender possesses a great long shot, and he demonstrated it beautifully on opening day. Unfortunately, Bolton had to buy midfield replacements this season in the form of Nigel “suckfest” Reo-Coker, and its also clear that Chris Eagles lacks the creativity to fill Chung Yong Lee’s shoes. Nonetheless, QPR, who were a little on the defensive side got wrecked 4-0, so in Owen Coyle the Wanderers should trust. The game was boring as sin for the first half, with either side cautious, but clearly Mr. Coyle’s half time decision to wrap a Black Muamba (I’m yellow, Rumsfeld is white, and Ghandi is brown, so don’t get your panties in a bunch) around Adel Taraabt paid big dividends in the last 30. Well done Bolton.

While everyone in the football world was excited to see an attacking Chelsea side, an irony in itself, I was more skeptical about AVB’s ability to make that transformation. Every new manager in our time is almost implicitly required by the fans to talk about instilling attacking football. Thank Barca for that. However, before the fad started, I remember another young Portuguese hotshot some years ago who walked into a press conference and said he would do just that. Then what happened? A Chelsea side, actually one of the better sides to watch at the time boasting the likes of Zola, Wise, Jimmy Floyd, and Gustavo Poyet, underwent a facelift to give you the Chelsea of our generation. Frank Lampard. Drogba. John Terry. Michael Essien. About as close to Barcelona as Kenwyne is to Leo Messi. In any case, this game showcased an fast-paced game full of AVB going nuts at the ref, and Torres throwing his hands up. AVB is still whining about the refs not protecting his players (as though Alex and John Terry require protection from the monstrous Yeti that is Matt Etherington). I like/respect you Andre, but this isn’t Portugal, and it certainly isn’t Spain, where the spraying of sweat is an automatic sending off. In this house, Men put on the jerseys. Welcome to England good sirshhh.

Newcastle vs Arsenal. Unfortunately, the sharp downward angle of St. James Park was more interesting than the Gunners running incline drills. My friend and I saw the first half, but didn’t make it to the second due to the sweet slumber caused by Alan Pardew and Le Professor. Hearing later that Gervinho had been sent off, we fastforwarded to the incident which proved for the 29358th time that Joey Barton can never actually be successfully rehabilitated by Tyneside’s justice system. I managed to pull myself through the rest of the dreary mess Sunday morning, and this disastrous start to the day was only salvaged by my delightful morning pastry.

Surprisingly, my sunday morning viewing of Wigan vs Norwich city was actually the most entertaining of all the matches this weekend. Roberto Martinez is attack minded, and Norwich responded in kind. Every time I think about Norwich, I get depressed about Deano, so while that bothered me a little bit, it was nice to see the promoted side. Led my United’s own Ritchie De Laet, the backline did not have the greatest performance, but only conceded one goal (from the spot). American Zak Whitbread gave an impressive performance except one mistake which resulted in Mohamed Diame trying to imitate Beckham. And failing miserably. In any case, USMNT have an untapped resource in Whitbread who seems decisive in his tackles and comfortable with the ball. Besides, the USA cannot afford to not call up an EPL player. On the other team, Victor Moses was on a tear against Norwich’s right flank. I guess his days as a striker prospect are officially over and he has been moved to left wing full-time. He flourished in the role where his pace and strength were on constant display. His performances are one to watch out this season.

I’m exhausted. But it was a fantastic weekend. The games could have been better, but I’m not complaining. It’s a 38 game season, and I’m just so happy with the fact that its back in full swing. And who knows? Maybe Swansea will crush City tonight. I’ll be watching that just for the minute possibility.

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Posted by on August 15, 2011 in Uncategorized



D-Day. Barclays English Premiership football is finally here again to fill that massive void in my life. I’m excited to see revamped Sunderland, a hopefully shitty Liverpool, fresh faces from QPR and Norwich, and so much more. God Save the Queen.

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


Paul Pogba: Leader of Men

Today’s been all about great news. Matter of fact, its just been a great day.

In the morning, Ji signed his extension. And fresh off a press conference from the gaffer – this piece of news.

A Leader of Men

Many things have been said out this powerful, lanky player who is fearless on the tackle, and generally imposing as a midfield general for United’s youth team. The coaches have called him “a natural leader of men.” I’ve seen his youth performances, particularly in the youth FA cup last year (when United were triumphant), and I admit I was thoroughly happy with how hard he battles. But can he do it in the premiership? It remains to be seen, but I hope he does Carrington proud.

Enjoy the video, and Remember the name.

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


EPL 11/12 Promo Trailer

Are you excited yet?

Courtesy of Youtube user: Timur Sharafeev. Please check out his channel!

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


Ji Sung 2010/2011

In celebration of his lucrative contract extension (more details 2 posts back), here are his season highlights.

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in Uncategorized