I’m back

10 Aug

So I checked back in here after a long hiatus brought on by the stresses of life. I genuinely enjoyed writing on this last year, but steadily become discouraged as this in itself became a stress. Thinking about the world of football has become so natural, and a large part of me, but I came to realize how easy it is to daydream and muse about it, versus actually putting down cogent thoughts on a blog. Fearing criticism of poor writing, it eventually turned from hobby to burden. What I imagined would only take half an hour a day turned into two-three hour endeavors to make sure whatever I wrote read well. So I stopped.

I logged in tonight out of curiosity, only to find a inbox with some 53 new messages. I was so shocked, and flattered at the comments and responses I had  received. There were actually people out there who had been kind enough to read my stuff. For those of you who indulged me in doing so, I cannot thank you enough for your insights and kind words.

It is in this spirit that I think maybe its time for me to do this again. I won’t strive so much for propriety or great penmanship from this point. It’s the only way I will continue to enjoy this and sustain a rare writing habit for a long time. Please check back in once in a while, and I hope that perhaps my perspective on this new upcoming football season will interest some of you. With much appreciation in advance – Darren.

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Posted by on August 10, 2011 in Uncategorized


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