Daily Archives: August 15, 2011

Opening weekend is done. I have watched 5 premier league fixtures and one bundesliga. United vs Brum, Chelski vs Stoke, QPR vs Bolton, Wigan vs Norwich, Newcastle vs. Arsenal and Wolfsburg vs Munchen. Overall, a long weekend, and the feeling of a fish returning to sea. Life is good again my friends.

United won very fortuitously. But 3 points is 3 points, and it was an away win that we sorely lacked last season. We started brightly with some great, fluid, short passing movement, but somehow struggle to deal with Tchoyi who muscled and charged against our midfield with alarming ease. It was evident that Anderson being deployed as the destroyer rather than the creator put him in a difficult dilemma to somehow do both. Rooney had a tremendous first goal of the season for us, and was typically dangerous in all areas. Also impressive was the ever maturing Clever Tom, who continues to show a passing ability that might put him on the same footing as Gunner counterpart Wilshire soon (Wilshire is better at this point). I’m happy also to see that Danny Welbeck improved his movement and understanding of the game, but his trapping and short passes still need work. I’m sure everyone will also talk about how Ashley Young was sooo great, but I actually beg to differ. He was good, but no further. Too many times did he get his drag-back right cross blocked, and he also attempted one too many long shots that sailed over Ben Foster’s right post. His game got infinitely better after he decided to drive by the byline rather than dragging the ball back to his right, so hopefully he’ll use that approach in future weeks. At the end of it all, 3 point is 3 points. I’m content.

If Arse Fecker doesn’t buy Gary Cahill, I would be extremely happy. 2 reasons. 1) I want Owen Coyle and Bolton Wanderers to move up the table. 2) Watching Drogba, Davies, or Caroll thunder in yet another header past Laurent Koscielny 2011 season style would just be so satisfying. Not to worry though, I’m sure even with incoming gold from Catalunya, Wenger wouldn’t spend money for fear of losing his street cred at slickdeals. Gary Cahill showed again why he was Bolton’s best last season, and why he could be Bolton’s best this season. The defender possesses a great long shot, and he demonstrated it beautifully on opening day. Unfortunately, Bolton had to buy midfield replacements this season in the form of Nigel “suckfest” Reo-Coker, and its also clear that Chris Eagles lacks the creativity to fill Chung Yong Lee’s shoes. Nonetheless, QPR, who were a little on the defensive side got wrecked 4-0, so in Owen Coyle the Wanderers should trust. The game was boring as sin for the first half, with either side cautious, but clearly Mr. Coyle’s half time decision to wrap a Black Muamba (I’m yellow, Rumsfeld is white, and Ghandi is brown, so don’t get your panties in a bunch) around Adel Taraabt paid big dividends in the last 30. Well done Bolton.

While everyone in the football world was excited to see an attacking Chelsea side, an irony in itself, I was more skeptical about AVB’s ability to make that transformation. Every new manager in our time is almost implicitly required by the fans to talk about instilling attacking football. Thank Barca for that. However, before the fad started, I remember another young Portuguese hotshot some years ago who walked into a press conference and said he would do just that. Then what happened? A Chelsea side, actually one of the better sides to watch at the time boasting the likes of Zola, Wise, Jimmy Floyd, and Gustavo Poyet, underwent a facelift to give you the Chelsea of our generation. Frank Lampard. Drogba. John Terry. Michael Essien. About as close to Barcelona as Kenwyne is to Leo Messi. In any case, this game showcased an fast-paced game full of AVB going nuts at the ref, and Torres throwing his hands up. AVB is still whining about the refs not protecting his players (as though Alex and John Terry require protection from the monstrous Yeti that is Matt Etherington). I like/respect you Andre, but this isn’t Portugal, and it certainly isn’t Spain, where the spraying of sweat is an automatic sending off. In this house, Men put on the jerseys. Welcome to England good sirshhh.

Newcastle vs Arsenal. Unfortunately, the sharp downward angle of St. James Park was more interesting than the Gunners running incline drills. My friend and I saw the first half, but didn’t make it to the second due to the sweet slumber caused by Alan Pardew and Le Professor. Hearing later that Gervinho had been sent off, we fastforwarded to the incident which proved for the 29358th time that Joey Barton can never actually be successfully rehabilitated by Tyneside’s justice system. I managed to pull myself through the rest of the dreary mess Sunday morning, and this disastrous start to the day was only salvaged by my delightful morning pastry.

Surprisingly, my sunday morning viewing of Wigan vs Norwich city was actually the most entertaining of all the matches this weekend. Roberto Martinez is attack minded, and Norwich responded in kind. Every time I think about Norwich, I get depressed about Deano, so while that bothered me a little bit, it was nice to see the promoted side. Led my United’s own Ritchie De Laet, the backline did not have the greatest performance, but only conceded one goal (from the spot). American Zak Whitbread gave an impressive performance except one mistake which resulted in Mohamed Diame trying to imitate Beckham. And failing miserably. In any case, USMNT have an untapped resource in Whitbread who seems decisive in his tackles and comfortable with the ball. Besides, the USA cannot afford to not call up an EPL player. On the other team, Victor Moses was on a tear against Norwich’s right flank. I guess his days as a striker prospect are officially over and he has been moved to left wing full-time. He flourished in the role where his pace and strength were on constant display. His performances are one to watch out this season.

I’m exhausted. But it was a fantastic weekend. The games could have been better, but I’m not complaining. It’s a 38 game season, and I’m just so happy with the fact that its back in full swing. And who knows? Maybe Swansea will crush City tonight. I’ll be watching that just for the minute possibility.

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Posted by on August 15, 2011 in Uncategorized