Daily Archives: August 17, 2011

Manchester City vs. Swansea

So why does everyone think Swansea is gonna be dead last this season?

Maybe they will be, maybe they won’t be, but I’ve watched all three promoted teams this weekend, of which Swansea had the most difficult opponent, and they made the best account of themselves. They played an admirable attacking game against City, and didn’t let up even when City brought on Sergio Aguero. Supporting by great wingplay from Scott Sinclair and Nathan Dyer, they went forward with purpose and free-flowing movement I haven’t seen from a promoted side since Blackpool. Their weakness is upfront, where I fear their sub-par strikers might let down their wingers. I think next time they should start Leroy Lita who made the best impact out of all of them, even as a sub. I have to applaud their goalkeeper Michael Vorm, who was absolutely fantastic despite what the scoreline suggests. None of those goals he could have done anything about, and he stopped the scoreline from being 10-0. Having seen this game, and their bravery to go forward against a team that boasts a bench that is worth 16 times their entire team, my backing for a promoted side this year goes to Swansea City.

As for City, what can I say. Aguero’s debut was nothing short of breathtaking. That’s about as good of a debut since Arshavin. The scary thing is, it was clear that he was not a 100% in fitness. It showed in his movement and overall pace. And I can only say this because I know the speed at which Aguero plays when he’s in full force. His first goal was that of a classic poacher, his assist to Silva was pure attacking instinct and tenacity, and the third goal was about as well as you can strike a ball from 30 yards out.

City played great football, with Silva orchestrating most of it, but I think their attacking opponents allowed them to do that. If this were a team that played any more defensively, they would not have looked nearly as good. In any case, Aguero is clearly going to the tip of City’s spear against United this year. People have been saying that City will take the title this year, and while I disagree, this signing puts them much further towards that end. This just makes me more excited for the Manchester derby.

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Posted by on August 17, 2011 in Uncategorized