Daily Archives: January 10, 2012

The King of Highbury

I would have titled my post “Return of the King” but that’s been reserved for when Cantona returns to us at some point.

Ahhhhhh the magic of the FA Cup. Reason number 93817245 of why England houses the best football – because fans still care deeply about the domestic cup. 

It had to go down this way. There was no other way. Thierry Henry had to come back against Leeds, he had to sub in, not start, in a frustrating, goalless draw. And he had to score minutes into it, with that classic right foot curler that’s made me punch a wall in the old days. The finish was just a vintage Thierry Henry. Even when Thierry Henry is 67 years old, and with a walking stick, he will, make that finish. 

The most beautiful thing was his celebration. That delirious look in his eyes. It just said pure joy. Him beating on the Arsenal crest like an outraged gorilla. It just shows the love one man has for a club, and I think there is nothing more beautiful about that in this game. When you see that love in a player’s eyes, and how overjoyed he is to score for a club he genuinely supports, it doesn’t matter what shirt he wears. Any can fan appreciate it. I loved every minute of it. And I watched it over and over again because it was heartwarming.

Now with Scholesy and Henry back, it feels like it will be a very special month. To see the legends of this league return is going to make me so nostalgic. And while on the topic of special goals, Gio Dos Santos scored an absolute peach against Cheltenham, a game which makes you wonder what he could have been had Bale not turned into a stunning midfielder. 

And it completely unrelated news, Celtic is lucky to have Emilio Izaguirre back. And what a return it was. Something tells me Celtic will sell a couple players this window, and possibly to premiership clubs. For the first time in a long time, they are set in this season to top Rangers. Maybe it would be worth it for them to turn down that extra dollar until the season is over. 



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Posted by on January 10, 2012 in Uncategorized