Daily Archives: January 21, 2012


Bolton and Tim Ream negotiations continue, but for some reason have not concluded. EA sources tell me that they are close to finishing the deal, but personal terms have been a stumbling block.

Amidst all of this, I must ask: am I the only one that thinks Tim Ream is garbage?

I think he is garbage. Straight-up. I think he is terrible. Positioning, Work-Rate, Anticipation – terrible, awful, garbage, respectively.

So why does Owen Coyle want him? My mind remains boggled. And why did no EPL teams look at the vastly superior Omar Gonzalez?

As always, these views are based on my personal observations, so perhaps I’m missing something big that Bolton’s scouts are missing. Perhaps I haven’t seen what it is that droves of Americans have seen to conclude that he is awesome. Considering Bolton’s scouts have had a decent track record for the last 5 years, it is possible that I am wrong, but I really cannot see anything that I consider competent in his ability as a center back.

In order to closely track the personal statements of footballers, I have started to make use of Twitter. I don’t really tweet myself, but I use it like a news feed. I follow about 30 footballers, and I get updates on their shenanigans. It’s real-time, it feels more personal than statements of a publicist, and its gives me an insight into their personality. The thing that started my use of twitter was a certain United youngster named Ravel Morrison. This schmuck uses Twitter to repeatedly deny that Sir Alex has offered a contract, and that he turned down said contract because the pay was paltry. Hm. One of them is lying, and I’m trying to figure it out. I was hoping Twitter will help me. What I have discovered so far from his tweets is that he is an idiot. Whatever the case, if this media hoodoo around him goes on, his abilities better be worth it. I’m used to humble, i-love-United footballers coming out of Carrington, whether it be Scholes, Becks, Butt, Giggs,the Nevs, Welbeck, Cleverley…so this new generation of too-cool-for-United hot shots rub me the wrong way.

The January transfer window has been really quiet, with the only notable yells being from Sir Alex and Wenger who think its stupid. Well, we did lock down Vidic in January, so maybe Sir Alex might want to cool it with that stuff. Even sites like tribalfootball are finding it difficult to write their usual 2 sentence articles.

Sunday Predictions, as I will only have time to watch two games per weekend from her on out –

(In my ideal world)
City 1-2 Tottenham
City 1-1 Tottenham

(In my ideal world)
Arsenal 0-2 United
Arsenal 1-2 United

What I would do against the Gunners

————–De Gea————–

Rooney, “Roonay Roonay Roonay Roonay Roonay”
Nani, cuz Djourou is a massive mismatch
Park, cuz its Arsenal, and we’ll need a ball controller behind Roonay Roonay Roonay
Valencia, cuz of his recent form and workrate
Jones, to battle Alexandre Song Bilong Ting Tong Ching Chong Ping Pong Ling Long
Carrick, cuz of his recent form and passing
Evra, because he eats Walcott instead of Cheerios every morning
Rio, Experience with Van Persie
Smallz, cuz of his general awesomeness and funny looking physique
Rafa, Workrate and understanding with Valencia
De Gea, he won’t be physically pressured against the Gunner’s offense. Kid needs a game now.

While Arsenal’s trident will consist of some variation of Benayoun, Van Persie and Henry/Arshavin, I am also actually hoping for a rare Park Chu-Young sighting. That guy’s continued absence for Arsenal is becoming embarassing. Even I didn’t think Wenger would under-utilize him this severely. One would think his golaso in the FA Cup would have done enough to convince Voyeur. Perhaps he should have gone to Lille where he would have played week-in, week-out. “Chu Young! You start today!” “Oh no! I’m going to the Army tomorrow!” FAIL.

United top of the table by Monday, United top of the table by Monday, pleeeeeeaaaaassssse??

EDIT: BREAKING NEWS – Rio is out. F. What does Sir Alex do now? England U-21 Centreback pairing with Jones and Smalling? Carrick at the back with Smalling to bring Scholesy/Giggsy into the mix? What’s more troubling is what we do going forward…do we finally start playing Jones at CB every game with Skinny Smallz? Or do we trust Johnny “1-mistake-per-game-is-my-guarantee” Evans. This is potentially terrible news for United, or a forced hand to finally allow Jones to develop properly at his natural position. I do hope it is the latter.

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Posted by on January 21, 2012 in Uncategorized