What a Weekend – An Unfinished Post

01 Feb

Below is a post i could not finish for my life. And I don’t intend to due to fatigue. So here it is.


Ahhhhh Barclay’s Premier League – I love you so much. You make me instantly forget a terrible week of work. Over the span of 90 minutes at a time, I can forget everything and just immerse myself in the world of passes, tackles and goals happening at breakneck speeds, while thousands of fans scream and jump and down. I look at the game clock and hope it will go slower. I have a big fat smile on my face every game. There is really nothing like you.

Honestly, after weekends like this one, can anyone doubt at this point that the EPL is hands down the best league in this world? It is really simple why this league is the best. It’s because so much drama and emotion only found in cup games elsewhere is found in just a regular season game. Because a team like Bolton can play Liverpool and bring a completely unexpected result, and Norwich supporters can just about storm the pitch after shutting out Chelsea. Every game is fought to the death and even the big teams have to fight for their lives to keep bottom half teams down.


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Posted by on February 1, 2012 in Uncategorized


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