I Forgot!

07 Feb

I forgot a couple things!

David De Gea. The Enigma. One minute you see him punch unecessarily, weakly, and it odd directions. And in another, you see him make the save of the season. Juan Mata hit a fantastic freekick that should have gone in. By any standard, that was a world class free kick. But De Gea was there, and in a single moment, showed by he was worth 18 million pounds. There were six goals in this game, but the moment of the match for me personally was one where a goal was denied. Absolutely spectacular. Its odd. I would have rather him dealt with the earlier goals better, rather than make an incredible save towards the end. But on the other hand, I’d rather have a young goalkeeper be weak in his handling ability and full of nerves, rather than not possess the ability to make those kinds of saves. You can improve handling and learn better judgment with time. But you can’t learn world class reflexes. And David De Gea at least has the latter, perhaps better than anyone in the world that I’ve seen. I’m a big believer and fan of Buffon and company, but I honestly doubt that the usual suspects of top goalkeepers in the world could have made that same save. Thank heavens the Spaniard is only 20 and has lots of private tuition to go at Carrington.

I forgot the other thing. Ugh.

EDIT: This isn’t the topic I forgot, but still is worthy of mention. Demba Papiss Cisse. For some reason, everyone is wanting Newcastle to succeed. There is this feel-good factor around a team that has skyrocketed to the top half of the table, largely thanks to new signings that have increased the club’s quality on the pitch. Demba Papiss Cisse, Demba Ba’s Senegalese teammate, joined in January for 10 million quid, and announced his arrival almost fatefully with his rocket of a left footer. I’m no Newcastle fan. I have great respect for the institution, but no particular fondness nor dislike. But I was in mob mentality when I saw the debut goal. Always nice to see (hopefully) a good, new talent in the premiership, and always nice to see the crowd embracing a new signing. Beyond the boundaries of club against club, a successful premiership debut, and the faces of happy supporters is something that always makes me happy. I was happy to watch Aguero’s stunning debut, as I was to watch Suarez’s scoring one. Despite the clubs they belong to. You may spell trouble, but in the mean time – welcome Papiss Cisse!

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Posted by on February 7, 2012 in Uncategorized


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